Business Law

Laws that should be considered by Small Business 

Medifast is counted in America’s small business organizations in the health food sector. It provides such food through which people can lose or maintain weight of their body. In terms of business law it should follow some forms of laws for future growth. License law refers to the need of some license to do even a small business and this is followed by Medifast quite effectively (Attorney, 2012). Tax laws are important one to consider because if one started generation of sales there is a need to pay some particular amount of revenue to the government in the form of tax. Medifast is paying tax at the time but it should take some extra efforts for the future as well (Medifast, 2013).


Employment laws include several laws which should be considered even in small business. These laws can be anti-discrimination, health and safety, equal opportunity etc. Along with this, Medifast is bound to provide all needed sources that employees need at workplace (Attorney, 2011). Environmental law is also important to consider for Medifast due to safe disposal of waste and in packing material of food. Lastly, intellectual property law refers to the law regarding copyright over the name of the firm which has already followed by Medifast (Medifast, 2013).


Government Regulations that Affect Day-to-Day Operations of Business


The federal government has made several regulations in relation to small and medium enterprise as well. The consideration of all ethical guidelines plays a most important part in the daily operations of Medifast. The consideration of environmental laws is one the factor that must be considered by Medifast on a daily basis. It is because, Medifast provides healthy and nutritious food to people so there should be responsibility of a company to take care of the environment and analyze daily packaging processes. Also, the assessment of health and safety for employees is another policy that federal government made for business for daily consideration (LaPlaca & Frank,). If Medifast does not emphasis over health and safety of workforce then any accidental incident can stop that flow of operations.


Along with this, regulation regarding employees’ rights is the daily considerable topic for an organization like Medifast. It is because; Medifast is the provider of food so employees must be satisfied with the organization. This can be possible when Medifast provides follow all government regulation regarding anti-discrimination at workplace on a daily basis (Marshall, 2008). If any employee feels that employer favors one employee in comparison to other then it can slow or stop the flow of daily production and delivery process.




  • Attorney, A.M. (2011). Incorporate Your Business: A Legal Guide to Forming a Corporation in Your State. Nolo.
  • Attorney, F.S.S. (2012). Legal Forms for Starting & Running a Small Business. Nolo.
  • LaPlaca, P.J. & Frank, N. (2011). Marketing Strategies for A Tough Environment. Marketing Classics Press.
  • Marshall, C. (2008). The Executive Guide to IT Process Automation.
  • Medifast. (2013). About. Retrieved from

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