Effective Technology Assignment Help

Introduction In current business scenario, to sustain the business and competitive advantage, it has become vital

for firms to advance their technology. Nowadays, firms are focusing over building a strong technical support team to resolve major issues faced by staff members due to technological advancements (Black, 2004). By considering the widespread use of technical support team, there will be a discussion of factors or components needed to build an effective technical support team. Along with this assignment help, impact of issues like personalities on relationship within and beyond the technical staff will be also covered. Strategies There are various business strategies or methods that are used by companies to build an effective technology support team. These can be discussed as below: Documentation of Problems: First, it is vital to document all the problems and their solutions with some reference checklists. In other words, there are several common solutions of problems, so they must be in a proper reference format, so when required can be accessed by staff members easily and timely (Hayes, 2002). By doing so, a technical support team can minimize their time used to address the common problems from hours to minutes. Coordination of Efforts: Coordination of efforts with other departments of company is another step needed to develop an effective technology support team.

For doing so, technical staff should regularly meet with research and development department, marketing department etc to discuss the liking and disliking of customers regarding particular features of products or services (Hayes, 2002). As a result of this, the technical support team helps the other departments in resolving their issues effectively. In addition, these efforts of technical support team also reduce the number of issues they handle due to lack of data. Effective Communication: Managers of the companies should also ensure that communication channels are open for technical staff. It helps the technical staff to listen the people carefully and avoids stressful conditions that occur due to lack of information (Baschab, & Piot, 2007). Moreover, the regular meetings should be also kept brief to avoid any interruption on deadline work of technical staff. Training and Career Opportunities: It is the duty of managers in company to provide training and career opportunities to technical support team. With proper training programs, the expertise and skills of technical team can be increased that is requisite to retain them for longer run (Black, 2004). Along with this, managers should also discuss career objectives and opportunities with technical support team to motivate them towards the company goal and learning new things. Right Selection: In a technical support team, it is vital for the manager to fill people with right attitude. In other words, managers should only recruit those candidates for support team, who are ready to take responsibility of their tasks with right attitude (Hayes, 2002). It is so, as technical knowledge can be learned or developed, but it is difficult to develop right attitude among people. Hence, people with right attitude can lead to build an effective technical support team for a company. For example, right attitude of members is essential to deal with criticism and stressful situations that are not easy to deal in changing business scenario. To do so, hiring right member is crucial for managers in the organization. Good Communication Skills: Communication skills are also essential to build an effective technical support team. It is so, as technicians often encounter with clients, who are already stressed, irritated and frustrated with their issues. So, these kinds of clients need active listeners and good communicators, who can resolve their issues without losing their patience. Hence, it can be argued that managers should hire people with good communication skills for a technical support team in the organization. By doing so, technical staff member can easily communicate and explain the main loopholes responsible for the problem to the client positively. Personal Traits: Personal traits of individuals also play a vital role in developing an effective technical support team. For example, people with curiosity to find out the solution of problems are good for support team. In other words, people with innovative thinking are good enough to build an effective technical support team for the organization. It is so, as these kinds of people have willingness to do something creative and different like, solving puzzles, using equipments etc. So, they can resolve complex problems with patience effectively that is vital in current business context. Issues There are various issues that affect the relationships within and beyond the technical staff. Out of these issues, personalities are one of the major issues. In a technical staff, individuals should possess personality traits like ability to communicate, handle the stress, and focus towards group goals and deal criticism. If these traits are not possessed by team members in technical staff, these can lead to negative impact over the relationship within and beyond the technical staff.

This issue affects the relationships in following ways: Positive Impact of Personalities: Personalities of team members that show compassion, friendliness, teamwork and curiosity affect the relationship within the teams in a positive manner. As a result of these personality traits of individuals, learning, group goals and teamwork are encouraged within the teams that are positive for relationships (McKenna, 2000). Similarly, positive personality traits also influence relationship beyond the technical staff in a positive way by delivering productive impact on relationships. Furthermore, positive personalities also deliver solutions beyond the technical staff that is good for healthy relationships. Like, good communicators easily handle the stressful situations beyond the technical staff. Negative Impact of Personalities: Passive personalities of team members affect the relationship within the technical staff negatively. Due to passive personalities, sharing of work and praise are restricted within the team. Along with this, due to passive traits of personalities, situations like resentment and conflicts arise within the technical staff that again influences their relationship negatively. Similarly, negative or passive personality traits of individuals also impact the relationship beyond the technical staff adversely (McKenna, 2000). It is so, as due to negative personalities of staff members, coworkers and customers experience discourage. Furthermore, due to such kinds of personality traits, it becomes difficult to develop solutions beyond technical staff. For example, if the members are not good in communication, they cannot handle the criticism beyond the technical staff. Similarly, lack of teamwork traits in personalities also hinders the ability of technical staff to address the challenges outside of work. Conclusion In conclusion, it can be said that communication, personal traits, right selection, coordination, documentation etc are essential for a company to build an effective technology support team. Along with this, it can be also said that active personalities are positive for relationship and passive personalities are negative for relationship within and beyond the technical staff.

References Baschab, J. & Piot, J. (2007). The Executive’s Guide to Information Technology. (2nd ed). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Black, R. (2004). Critical Testing Processes: Plan, Prepare, Perform, Perfect. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley Professional. Hayes, N. (2002). Managing Teams: A Strategy for Success. (2nd ed). London: Cengage Learning EMEA. McKenna, E. (2000). Business Psychology and Organisational Behaviour: A Student’s Handbook. (3rd ed). New York: Psychology Press.

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