Why Excellent Grades are not sufficient in the real world

In today’s world, corporate culture is changing at a rapid rate. With complex mathematical algorithms making decisions for the companies the dependence on human employees is decreasing day by day. The role of a person in a job is entirely different from what it would have been ten years back and who knows ten years from now that job might not even exist. Therefore in spite of having fancy college degrees a number of students fail to get a job. Here are a few important reasons as to why excellent grades are not sufficient in the real world.

  1. Inefficient curriculum– The curriculum of universities is not keeping pace with the changing global scenario. It is clearly evident from the fact that every other company hesitates in hiring a fresher right out of college. Changing work environment calls for improvement in the course frame but that hardly happens in our colleges. As a result students don’t get to learn the attributes that companies demand.
  2. Nature of jobs– companies today are looking for candidates who can tackle a varied range of projects. A monotonous job can be handed over to a machine and a human is expected to do more than that.
  3. Lack of requisite skill set– service sector provides the largest number of jobs today. This sector is entirely built on the idea of providing satisfaction to customers. Pupils are not taught the necessary soft-skills that are crucial in dealing with customers in college. Apart from this every industry has its own specific requirements and even the most specialized degrees are nowhere near them.
  4. Extra-curricular matters– a class topper does not get a lot of time to keep sync with the other activities going on in college. For instance at the time of cultural fest, the term tests were scheduled and so instead of coordinating in some event he got stuck with the books. That experience might have inculcated a leadership quality in him which he overlooked. So when a company arrives for hiring and spots that he did nothing apart from cramming his books, he fails to get the job.
  5. Resources on training– a person who has worked in a similar field knows pretty much about the basic requirements of the job whereas a college fresher comes with no idea about that field. This way the company has to invest a lot of time and resources in providing training to such a fellow that could otherwise had been put to some other productive use.

Due to these reasons it becomes very important that you have devoted a considerable time of your graduation at an internship in some relevant company. Even though you might not be paid during that period but that experience will truly come in handy while looking out for a job. If you have something other than your classmates on your CV, it will definitely stand out and will help you in getting your dream job.   find out more about  world no 1 assignment help companyassignment providerbest assignment help websitequality assignment help