International Business Dissertation Topics Help

Topic 1:International Business Dissertation Topics

Comparing the marketing strategies pursued by McDonald’s in India and UK and analysing whether marketing strategies followed by McDonald in India and UK can be explained using standard literature of International Marketing Management. This research will analyse the marketing strategy followed by McDonald’s in India and UK in period of 2000-2010 and finally it would recommend marketing strategy that company should follow for period of 2011-2015.

Topic 2:

Outsourcing as a strategic tool has gained widespread acceptance by global organisations around the world.  I will select two organisations from UK that have outsourced part of their jobs/functions to India. I will analyse why these organisations have outsourced some specific jobs/functions to India. This research will also analyse what are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing to home and host country. Finally, I would attempt to conclude whether outsourcing is here to stay or not.

Topic 3:

Comparing the business strategies followed by Dell in India and UK and analysing whether business strategies followed by McDonald in India and UK can be explained using standard literature of Strategic Management.

Topic 4:

UK’s Tesco expects to open first store in India by year-end (Economic Times). This dissertation will critically analyse the retail environment in India and recommend whether Tesco should enter in Indian Retail Sector. If yes, whether it the right time to enter and if it enters in Indian market, what should be strategy for the TESCO to enter and succeed in Indian Market.

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