Management Conflict Style Assessment Assignment Help

Management Conflict Style Assessment Assignment Help  Abstract

This assignment help paper is effective to understand the influence of individual’s nature and preferences over the selection of conflict management style. It also explores the different conflict approaches that could be used as per the conflict situation. It also identifies the attributes of manager that are essential to solve the conflicts.


Conflict Style Assessment On the basis of conflict style assessment, high score is obtained for confronting conflict management style. This style of conflict management is also knows as integrating, problem solving or win-win approach. In this style, conflicting parties are engaged to arrange face to face meeting for reaching on an agreement that could satisfy the needs of both parties (Furlong, 2005).  Additionally, it involves direct and open communication for solving the problem in many ways. I have learned the importance of goal and relationship in solving conflicts. In this way, this conflict style is quite effective to approach goals and relationships both, while solving conflicts (Bercovitch & Jackson, 2009). Yes, it describes me effectively as I am assertive towards goals and corporative towards relationship. I prefer and place both relationship and goals at same level or priority, while solving conflicts. Each conflict is solved by me as a problem and to which I focus over the relationship (Dessler & Phillips, 2007). I include various alternatives to find best solution and due to this; my conflict solving process is quite long.


Difficult Conflict Styles Withdrawing and forcing are two conflict management styles that are most difficult to work with. The first from above does not give importance to both relationship and goals and it is quite difficult for me to apply this. My assertive and corporative nature does not support withdrawing approach to deal with conflicts. At the same time, forcing is also quite difficult for me to work with as it does not give importance to relations in conflict solving process. It involves high focus over the goal that is not enough to solve conflicts (Jandt, 2003). Relationship is considered as a source to achieve goals and to solve conflict by me and it is difficult to work with forcing approach. In order to work with the above conflict management styles, I will plan to reduce the differences between my nature and requirements of each approach. For working with withdrawing approach, I will try to improve my listening skills as it is quite essential to become less assertive. At the same time, I will try to become an outside overseer in such situations in which I am not able to do anything for solving conflicts. On the other hand, to work with forcing approach, I will create such level of trust that if goals are given priority than it cannot harm the relationship (Levin, 2010). In this way, I can focus over the goals, while maintaining relationships. As a manager, I have learned the importance of other conflict management styles in solving differences within organization. Prior to this, my perception in regard to the conflict management styles was rigid as it is perceived by me that confronting style is enough to solve the conflicts. But as a manager I learned that each conflict is aroused due to different factors that require different approaches to solve. It is also learned that managers need to be flexible to deal with the conflicts (Jandt, 2003). Through flexibility aspect, managers could be enabled to adopt any conflict management approach in smooth manner that is essential to decrease complexity from arguments. Attribute for Effective Conflict Resolution Following list demonstrates the attributes that are important to successful conflict resolution along with their ranking on priority basis:


Attributes Rank
Ability to take charge 2
Ability to work with others 4
Empathy 7
Intuition 5
Knowledge of the situation 1
Trust 6
Communication 3
Flexibility 8

Although each situation requires different attributes on different level, but a particular sequence is followed to solve the conflicts. In order to deal with a conflict, it is essential to understand the whole situation and associated factors that are responsible to create conflict. This understanding guides to take initiation for solving conflicting situation (Rothwell, 2011). After it, communication between both the parties is essential as it enables people to work with each other (Conerly & Tripathi, 2004). Then intuition is required to create relationship between conflict and associated factors. Communication is also helpful to develop trust and empathy that is essential to understand the perspective of conflicting parties. It plays an important role in the development of mutual concern that supports negotiation. The sufficient flexibility is also required to incorporate changes in conflict resolution process (Theyagu, 2012). Eventually, all the above attributes help to solve the conflict in effective manner. Confronting and smoothing are the two conflict style preferences that are similar and dissimilar in some ways to the listed attributes. Communication, corporation, empathy, trust are common in both.

The intuition, initiation and flexibility attributes are not involved in preference styles. The inclusion of remaining attributes in my role of manager is beneficial to select such style that suits the conflicting situation most (Lester, 2006). The intuition ability also helps to determine the potential source of conflict that is also essential for a manager for maintaining harmonious environment. It helps to enhance the effectiveness of managerial role.   References Bercovitch, J. & Jackson, R. (2009). Conflict Resolution in the Twenty-First Century: Principles, Methods, and Approaches. USA: University of Michigan Press. Conerly, K., & Tripathi, A. (2004). The “conflict styles assessment” article to use: What is your conflict style? Journal for Quality & Participation, 27(2), 16-20. Dessler, G. & Phillips, J. (2007). Managing Now!. USA: Cengage Learning. Furlong, G. T. (2005). The conflict resolution toolbox: Models and maps for analyzing, diagnosing, and resolving conflict. Mississauga, Ontario: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Jandt, F.E. (2003). Intercultural Communication: A Global Reader. USA: SAGE. Lester, A. (2006). Project Management, Planning and Control: Managing Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing Projects to PMI, APM and BSI Standards (5th ed.). USA: Butterworth-Heinemann. Levin, G. (2010). Interpersonal Skills for Portfolio Program and Project Management. USA: Management Concepts. Rothwell, J.D. (2011). In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups (2nd ed.). USA: Cengage Learning. Theyagu, D. (2012). Gravitating Towards Success. Xlibris Corporation. You can avail business strategy case study help and assignment help of all subjects. Our assignment help experts have fifteen years experience of providing assignment help to US,UK and Australian students. You will also get free plagiarism report so that you can check our quality assignment help services.You can also check our youtube video for how to get case study assignment help from assignment help experts com