MNC Influences Assignment Help

MNC Influences case study assignment help Factors

In current market scenario case study, it has become essential for firms to have effective and competitive organizational structure. It is so, as without having competitive organizational structure, it is not possible to sustain the business attractiveness in the global marketplace (Daft, 2009). With the help of organizational structure, MNC operate their business in international business. As per international business case study help experts,There are various factors that influence selection of an organizational structure by MNCs. These are as follow:

Organizational Size: Size of any organization is considered important for any organization. Organizational size decides the organizational structure. MNC considers the size of organizations to determine whether the organizational structure is simple or complex. For example, if the organizational size is small, the structure will be also smaller and simpler. In other words, if the organizational size is larger, the structure of the organization will be also complex.

Life Cycle: Life cycle is another factor that decides structure of organization. So, MNC follows the life cycle stages of organization to determine the life cycle: Birth Stage: This is the first stage of organization. In this stage, there is no formal design in this stage. So, MNC does not select any specific organizational structure for its business. Youth Stage: This is the second stage an organization. In this stage, the main aim of the organization is to fulfill demands of customers and expand the business scope effectively. Therefore, MNC considers the business extent to determine the type of organization (Ferguson, Jan 20, 2010). Midlife Stage: This is the third stage of organizational life cycle. In this stage, the organization develops formal structure with has a specific chain of command. Hence, the MNC considers the business extent of this stage to determine the organizational structure for their business. Maturity Stage: This is the fourth stage of organizational life cycle. In this stage, the organization develops more focused attitude towards the business (Daft, 2009). So, in this stage, MNC tries to establish stable organizational structure.

Organizational Strategy: Organizational strategy is the third factor that is used by MNC to determine the organizational structure (Daft, 2009). In this, the strategy used by the company to market its products and services is also considered to select structure for the organization. MNCs that are aimed to ensure expansion of business consider following factors: Competitiveness: Competitiveness of the organizational structure is considered by MNC to decide the organizational structure. Adaptability: Adaptability of the organizational structure is also considered by the MNCs to determine whether the organizational structure will be functional, metric, divisional, project structure. It is so, as the Flexibility: Flexibility is another aspect or criterion that is used by the MNCs to determine the organizational structure. Suitability: Suitability is another aspect that is considered by the MNCs to determine organizational structure as a part of organizational strategy. In other words, the structure that is suitable to meet the varied needs of customers as well as business is chosen by the MNC to operate their business. It is so, as there are various real life examples where the firms have selected wrong structure for their business and in end faced difficulties to manage and operate their business. Apart from these above factors, there are several other factors that are considered by MNCs to determine or select organizational structure. These are as follow:

Market Strategy: Market strategy is another factor that is considered by MNCs to take decisions regarding the selection of particular structure for their business organizations. In other words, the strategy that is applied by firms to market their products to final customers also plays an important role in determining the organizational structure.

Environment: Environment is another factor that is used or followed by the MNCs to select or decide structure for their business organization (Rees & Porter, 2008). For example, if the environment is stable, then the organizational structure will be not changed and fixed for long time period. Like, in case of manufacturing the stationary supplies, the structure remains the same. On the other hand, if the business environment is dynamic, the organizational structure will be changed to meet the changing needs of customers. Like, electronic manufacturers may change their structure to address the unmet needs of consumers that keep on change day by day due to changing lifestyle patterns.

IT: IT is another factor that is considered by MNC to decide the organizational structure. For example, rapid access to information enables the management to have centralizing effect over the structure of organization (Rees & Porter, 2008). In other words, with proper access to data, the decision making structure will be centralized in the organization.

References Daft, R.L. (2009). Organization Theory and Design. (10th ed). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Ferguson, D. (Jan 20, 2010). Factors Determining Organizational Structure. Retrieved from Rees, W.D. & Porter, C. (2008). The Skills of Management. (6th ed). London: Cengage Learning EMEA. Get MNC Influences Case Study Assignment Help with US and Australia assignment help experts. We are the most trusted and experienced writers of Australia. After getting our case study assignment help services, you will very happy and we always do follow the student and assignment guidelines. We also do the assignment editing or change the case study paper according to the feedback. You can contact us or call us any time for business assignment help.