Quality Improvement Programs Assignment Help

Quality Improvement Programs Assignment Help

In current competitive environment, quality is an important element for all firms, because it plays crucial role in the success of any business. As per college case study assignment help experts,there are various quality improvement programs that are available for a company to improve quality of their current operational processes as well as final products. Total Quality Management (TQM), Just-In-Time (JIT), Business Process reengineering (BPR), Six-Sigma and KANBAN are some of the examples of quality improvement plan (Hansen & Mowen, 2006).

Selection Criteria There are number of criteria that can help the company to identify and select one best quality improvement program for implementing within the organization. Some of main criteria are discussed below by our assignment help experts – Cost of Implementation: The cost of implementing program is one of the main criteria that company should use in the selection of quality improvement program. During the selection, the management should consider which program will be economically suitable for the company in terms of costs of developing and implementing program (Hill & Jones, 2009). Performance: Along with cost, the performance of each available quality improvement program is also important to be considered to pick best option. In this way, the company should consider the past and current performance of all these programs by reviewing case studies of different firms that are using quality improvement programs (Hansen & Mowen, 2006). Scope: The scope criteria should also be used by the company during the selection of best suitable program. Under this, the management should assess the scope of each quality improvement program in terms of benefits within the company’s operations to select best alternative (American Academy of Dermatology, 2001). Potential Impact Operational Processes: The management should also need to consider potential impact of implementing quality improvement plan on current operational processes and management procedure. This step can be helpful for the company to avoid any possible problems related to negative impact on internal operational structure (Hill & Jones, 2009).

Was to Gather Information The company would conduct a market research to identify which types of programs are available in the market that is useful for improvement in quality. Under the market research, by using the internet, the company would collect information about type, functioning, cost, benefits, limitations and implementation procedure for each kind of quality improvement programs. In this way, the company would also access newspapers, case studies related to quality management, books, industrial magazines as well as website of those firms which manufacture quality management system to gather information. In addition, the contact with suppliers or vendors of quality systems would also make to collect necessary information (King, 2010).

Ways to Monitor Success of Implementation There are some ways that can be helpful for the company to monitor success or failure of implementation. After implementation, the company would compare the performance of operational processes in terms of errors and efficiency with earlier performance to see that there are any improvements or not. The comparison of performance would be helpful to identify that implementation of quality improvement program was a success for the company or not. For example, it is assumed that the company faced 10% errors rate in the counting of packets. If new quality improvement plan will decrease this rate from current level, it would assume that implementation was a success for the firm (Hansen & Mowen, 2006). It is known that effective alignment is the key for successful implementation of any system or process. So, the alignment of quality improvement system with different operational processes like supply chain, production and distribution would also check to assess that the implementation was successful or not. Along with this, by assessing the impact of quality program on product quality, operational efficiency and process performance, the success of implementation would be monitored (Hansen & Mowen, 2006). At the same time, by comparing implementation efforts with original targets as well as determining whether sufficient progress is made toward expected outcomes or not, it would monitor whether the implementation was a success (Aguinis, 2009).

Reasons of why a Program is not accepted as Ideal At present, several number of quality management programs are available in the market that are utilized by different firms for different reasons over time. There are various examples in which a company used two or more programs in place of one at a time to improve its quality management. It is because; a single quality improvement programs has been not accepted as the ideal program due to their limitations and scope within the operations (Evans, 2007). Along with this case study assignment help, following are some reasons of why a single program or system is not accepted as ideal one for a company.

  • Size of business in terms of production, supply chain and distribution.
  • Limited benefits of programs (Hansen & Mowen, 2006).
  • A single program may be unable to achieve quality standards.
  • Limited impact on quality management of the firm (Evans, 2007).

References Aguinis, H. (2009). Performance Management (2nd ed.). South Africa: Pearson Education. American Academy of Dermatology. (2001). Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement: Self-Assessment Program. USA: Kendall Hunt. Evans, J.R. (2007). Quality and Performance Excellence: Management, Organization, and Strategy (5th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning Hansen, D.R & Mowen, M.M. (2006). Hansen & Mowen Managerial Accounting (8th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning. Hill, C & Jones, G.R. (2009). Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach Strategic Management Series (9th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning. King, K.M. (2010). Medicare: CMS Needs to Collect Consistent Information from Quality Improvement Organizations to Strengthen Its Establishment of Budgets for Quality of Care Review. DIANE Publishing.   How to get business assignment Help and case study help with our experts You can avail business case study help and assignment help of all subjects. From our US and Australian assignment help experts, you will get complete and original assignment help services without any mistake and good number of references. You can also check our youtube video for how to get case study assignment help from assignment help experts com