Google New Tie Ups For Academic Research Better

New tie ups of Google to make academic research better on its platform

Google Cloud Platforms (CGP) is strongly focused onto increasing its online presence all over the world in terms of Academic research for professional and students at Australian Universities and schools. For this, it performed two agreements and a range of multiple initiatives in the US and Europe. As per urgent assignment help experts, It came into an agreement with GEANT which is the research and education platform and carry 50 million users at 10,000 institutions across Europe.

This new agreement of Google with GEANT will enable it for broader collaboration across the extensive network. In addition to this, it is offering special education discounts to GEANT members for accessing GCP.

According to the Andres Steijaert, Project leader for cloud services at GEANT, they are pleased that Google Cloud Platform is associating with the GEANT cloud portfolio and now it can be used easily through the ready-to-use agreements with GEANT. The increasing rate of machine learning and AI are opening a wide range of amazing opportunities for education and research.

Google is a strong open technology to boost the education system for learners, professional students at high school and University of Australia and all over the world. With its tie-up with GEANT will enable students across the world to initiate more educational resources and learn about different quality resources.

Skilled scientists, educators, Leaders in IT along with 38 National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) are now able in making direct connections with Google in GEANT at low costs in order to put their data for discovering efficient insights with the potential for global impact.

With the Cloud Technology Solutions (CTS), The GCP will be available to GEANT member institutions, which is one of the world’s largest cloud infrastructure experts. In addition to this, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Internet2 which is a computer networking program have also partnered with commercial cloud providers. It also includes GCP for the purpose of accelerating scientific discoveries and promoting collaborations.

In order to investigate the benefits of large scale computing for scientific work flows, the Exploring Clouds for Acceleration of Science (E-CCAS), the first project is inviting proposals such as leveraging faster processing speeds, machine learning as well as real time analytics.

Accoridn to Manish Parashar, Director of the Office of Advanced Cyber infrastructure, their investments in E-CAS, Campus Cyberstructure and realated efforts mainly aimed at enabling access to cloud computing services by the broader science and engineering community supporting by NSF. They see cloud resources as a vehicle for allowing significantly accelerate research and education.

Other research initiatives mainly include supporting amazing programs in government agencies such as Division of research, innovations as well as ventures established by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). The main purpose behind this is to foster the entrepreneurial solutions to immediate public health challenges. A research team at Emory University’s school of Medicine built deep learning software by using GCP n order to predict the onset of sepsis in hospitalized patients.

Now DRIVE can be helpful in developing and implementing that platform in order to reduce the approximately 270,000 deaths from sepsis in the United States each year. It can also improve infrastructure through programs such as Cloud Exchange and Cloud Connect which enable researchers to access GCP’s Dedicated Interconnect network for high capacity along with securing data paths.

It updates existing funding programs for the purpose of including cloud resourcing such as NSF’s platforms relied by academics for their data intensive projects.





Google+ Shut Down On April 2, 2019

Google+ shut down

Yes, you heard it right. According to the latest news, Google+ is now going away on April 2 which clearly means that all of our Google+ content along with pages, photos as well as videos will disappear with it.

Last year, the Google announced its shut down in part due to non-usage of platform but in December, its closure date pushed up from August to April by company and is asking its existing users to download their Google+ data before it gets deleted.

It is not good news for all those professionals and students at the Universities of Australia, USA and UK who have their account on Google+. Our assignment help experts says that this is popular social network, they can add curated circles of their particular interests, entertainment, sports, education and news etc. as well as connect with other communities of their passion in order to know more.

Google+ was launched in 2010 as the latest attempt in creating a social media platform similar o Facebook but this is the fact that it may not have been as successful as its competitors such as Google Business Listing or Facebook etc. but still has a following through the communities which have been established. Now it is at its end, it has provided a process for its users in order to be able to save and move their existing Google+ data.

So, it is the last chance for all the professionals and students at the Universities of Australia to take the back-up of their desired and important data as soon as possible.

Let’s go through the process:

  • If you are signed in and have a Google+ account, all the Google+ options will be preselected. Just go to the Google’s “Download your data” page.
  • In case of saving only a specific data by you, select None and choose only the products you are interested in. You can also toggle the products on and off.
  • Click Next
  • Now choose your file type and delivery method such as email link, Dropbox etc.
  • Now you have to click Create Archive

Note one thing hat exporting your data does not delete your existing Google+ profile but if you want to do that before its official closure, just go to the downgrade page and follow the instructions.

This shut down will take time as per the Google which means your content may not be deleted on April 2. But if there is anything you want to save related to your education at schools and University of Australia, go ahead and save it now. The photos and videos with backed up in Google photos will not be deleted when it shut down.

Data Breach: One of the main reasons behind Google+ shut down can be data breach which happened on the platform on March 2018. In this, the personal and private information had been shared illegally over 5, 00,000 accounts without the consent by a number of developers. It was the same time that Facebook was under extreme scrutiny because of the Cambridge Analytica Data scandal and months before GDPR was launched.

Small user base: Another reason can be the low number of users on this platform behind the closure of Google+. It was launched in 2011 when people across the internet were already using Facebook and Twitter as their main social media platforms and they both were receiving a surge in the number of users. In simple words, Google+ has hefty competition since it came to existence to attract users.

Google+ will be shut down on 2nd April which means that users would have to export and save their data out of the platform. For enabling users to do this, Google launched a service known as Takeout. It makes the process of exporting data much smoother and easier for users.



How to Write an Effective Nursing Assignment

How to Write an Effective Nursing Assignment

Writing an excellent nursing assignment requires that you follow a methodological and systematic approach. You need to follow several steps to write an assignment effectively in the field of nursing. Developing Knowledge Regarding Topic: The assignment writing should be started by developing understanding regarding the given topic.


For this, lectures, modules and given material from the teacher should be studied carefully. On this basis, notes should be developed to memorize the key themes and useful references. Planning of writing assignment: The written assignment must have a due date and on this basis, a timeline should be prepared to plan write an assignment effectively.


Timeline should be divided into the three major categories of the assignment including introduction, body and conclusion. Before starting to write these parts in accordance to the timeline, it would be critical to go through the marking criterion for understanding the requirements of the assignment carefully and to include them.


Confirmation of Writing Style and other requirements: Apart from this, it is critical to develop understanding regarding the writing style and other key aspects of the assignment writing. An assignment should be written in third person generally, if no guidelines are provided. For writing nursing assignment effectively, critical thinking style should be adopted. By reviewing different materials, it could be possible to include different view-points for writing critically. The key important aspect to understand is to avoid plagiarism as it maintains eligibility for remaining the part of an educational program.


In writing assignment, one should avoid to copy the sections of literature and to include them without the reference. Similarly, one should also understand the importance of obtaining feedbacks from the lecturers on timely basis. It enables to increase the relevancy of content with the requirements of the assignment and to achieve good grades. Writing Assignment: In order to write introduction in an assignment effectively, the main content of paper and the way of addressing questions should be discussed in brief. If the assignment includes real case then it is critical to include the way confidentiality or privacy is maintained throughout the assignment.


The main body should be divided into the different sections logically including key themes, which is required to explore in an assignment. These sections should flow as it is written in the introduction. The discussed themes in this section should be included references of professional and academic journals. At this stage, feedback can be taken from the teacher regarding the key included themes of assignment.


This could be effective to develop the content in the direction of purpose of the assignment. By getting feedbacks, the main content of the assignment can be adjusted to make it more relevant to the asked question and developed purpose. The conclusion section of the assignment should include evidence-based summary on the basis of discussed literature in the main body. This section does not require inclusion of any reference or new material. This could be effective to informed content in a nursing assignment. By following the above steps, the nursing assignment can be written effectively as it would enable the writer to meet with the requirements carefully.

How to Get ‘A’ Grade in Writing Assignments

How to Get ‘A’ Grade in Writing Assignments

The Grading scale ‘A’ in the Australian writing assignments is marked by above distinction score marks (75.1%-90.0 with A Grade and 90.1-100% with A+ grade) that will be achieved from the feedbacks or evaluation of the performance reports of the examiner or assessment checker.

The Grading scaleA is ratified as the best performance score marks in the writing projects or assignments. According to the Vanderbilt University, The Grading system in writing assignment depend upon a range of factors including the assessment criteria, language and tone, length, assignment structure, practical knowledge, proper understanding of the key terms, ideas, concepts, and theories, relevance, and accurate representation determining the rating scale or grade of the Business assignment Help.

According to the professor Kevin Yee of University of South Florida, for getting grade A in writing assignments, the writer or students should write the whole assignment in simple language that could be easily understood by the assessor or examiner. The assignment should be brief, clear, concise, and practical which could be marked as good performance criteria or A grade by the examiner. Along with this, there should be proper and accurate representation of the data, facts, findings, and outcomes through the graphs, figures, and diagrams by using the authentic statistics reports and valid outcomes.

In order to get A grade, the student or author should submit the assignment within giving timelines without delaying the reports or assignments. The students should use the authentic and reliable web sources, information contents, study materials, books, journals, articles, and other published sources that provide the reliable data and accurate information contents. The student or writer should use the latest published and online information sources or study guides for attempting the assignment in a systematic and relevant manner.

Along with this, there should be main focus on the key terms and subject topic for attempting the all assessment questions correctly. Kelly gives certain useful tips for writing excellent assignments. It should include the information/contents, accurate presentation, in-depth and descriptive analysis, simple language, and referencing with in-text citation by using the genuine published sources and information contents. There should be proper assignment structure after using the professional standards of writing by minimizing or limiting the errors related to the grammar, spelling, punctuation or incomplete sentence.

There should be consideration of ethics in writing by following the copyright violations for avoiding the plagiarism issues. The writer should write the assignment in his/her own language without manipulating the actual meaning or copying the original contents directly from the used information sources. In the formation of an assignment, the writer should be more practical by using more diagrams, figures, and statistics for providing the argument or supporting evidence to support the assignment. As per the guidelines given by the Stanford University; there should be short paragraphs with the calculated word count (+/- 10%) as specified in the assessment report structure.

The writer should represent the excellent ability to define the key term, ideas, concepts, and theories for supporting the assignment. There should be executive summary,table of contents, introduction, main contents, conclusion, recommendations, referencing, and appendices parts in sequence as per requirements of the assignment. The writer should use excel sheets, word documents, spreadsheets, and power point slides for representing the writing matter/contents systematically and accurately as per demand of the assignment.All assignment questions should be attempted correctly and ethically by giving answers in the professional standards of writing(Center for Teaching, 2016). The students should use the case studies, best published sources, peer evaluation, and portfolios for attaining grade A in their assignments. The assessment matter or information contents should match the assessors’ requirements as specified by the assessors.

Tips for International Students to Achieve Australian University Degree

 Tips for International Students to achieving degree from the Australian University So, finally, you are set for your studies in your dreamland but this could be quite challenging for international students to cope with not only a foreign country environment and culture but also an altogether a very different education system. This assignment help article provides you 10 Tips to achieve the best returns out of your investment in achieving degree from the Australian University.


1. Focused Vision and career objectives- The international students coming from different countries should have focused vision, definite goals, and career objectives with pre-planning for their studies in order to achieve the best return in the form of good performance score marks while achieving degrees from the Australian university. Determination, Dedication, Punctuality, Hard-working, Sincerity, and self-discipline are key areas that should be followed by the international students in achieving better career outcomes out of their investment for achieving degrees.


2. Getting admissions in the reputed Australian universities– The international students should enroll in the best and reputed Australian Universities/institutes providing better learning frameworks for their study programs and placement services to provide a right career direction for placing them at right job posts through the internal recruitment system of the universities. Along with this, the international students should choose the university/institute after examining the best faculty or teaching staffs, standard educational facilities, research and laboratory room facilities, better and disciplined administration, and good track records(Northwestern Undergraduate Admissions, 2016).


3. Suitable undergraduate/postgraduate courses– The international students should get admission and enroll into the suitable/preferredundergraduates/postgraduates degrees or diploma certification learning courses having wide scope for providing better career job placements to the international students.

4. Grading A– The international students should get Grade A (distinction with above 75% score marks) in their enrolled/respective study courses or certification programs for achieving good outcomes out of their investment in the degrees from the established Australian Universities. The international students should focus on achieving A grade marks for getting better placement in the reputed corporations or service industries.


5. Peers’ feedbacks evaluation– The international students should make improvements in their performance score marks as final assessment results after receiving the feedbacks from the tutors or peers on their performances in the form of the grade/score marks achieved by the international students as a result of the certification diploma or degree courses from the Australian universities (Top Universities, 2016).


6. The international students are required to gain the formal permission from the managerial/authorized staff members of the Australian universities/institutes before taking vacation work, such as part time work or part-time own business during the term time as a part of the sandwich courses. The foreign students should not work professionally for more than 20 hours a week during their study programs/term time so that they could more focus on their studies for achieving the high percentage marks.


7. The international students should be more practical and sincere toward their studies for achieving the high grades with good percentage marks. The international students should study with full of determination, sincerity, and focused goals for achieving good performance results. By achieving the practical knowledge, the students will be well aware of the realities of the professional world (Yeung, 2015).


8. The students abroad should make career planning from the beginning of the enrollment into the Australian university. The international students should focus on achieving the balanced position in the educational career and professional career for moving the career in the right direction through strategic planning and straightforward vision.


9. Australia is the third largest destination in the world that attracts the international students for a range of certification courses. The international students should enroll into the scholarship courses that are partially or fully funded scholarships providing the student the large amount of exemption/concession on the basis of scholarship structure of the universities. Along with the scholarship, the students should also look into the certification educational universities that provide the highly employable students with the prominent positions through the accredited educational system of numerous international scholarships(Scholarship-Positions.Com, 2016).

10. The overseas students should go more with the professional courses, such as diploma or degree programs in Finance, Accounting, Science, Management, Health and Medicine Science, Engineering, and IT sectors that are highly practical and demanded in more quantities than the traditional courses because of easy and quick placement. The professional educational courses also provide more career opportunities to cope working with the technological and professionalized industries in the world.  

Ten skills students should learn before completion of their degree to get a dream job

Ten skills students should learn before completion of their degree to get a dream job

Landing one’s dream job is one of the greatest achievements for a fresh graduate. However, what tempt the contemporary organisations to hire the best candidates are not only the degree and the technical knowledge received as the part of academic curriculum but also the soft skills that one needs to develop inside and outside the classes. Students often fail to realize the relevance of these skills in the workplace and their importance to stand out from others in the job market. As per Australian university assignment help experts Here is the list of key soft skills that are required to land the dream job.


Communication: This skill tops the list as communication is the key to all human interaction taking place in the workplace. Being able to put one’s thoughts, ideas and views clearly and confidently in front of everyone and ability to write down grammatically correct sentences is the foremost skill that employers seek in their employee.


Time Management: The ability to balance one’s workload and prioritize critical tasks is another basic skill that employers want their employees to have. This not only makes the person responsible and accountable but also reliable enough to gain recognition and success at the workplace.


Teamwork: To survive in the contemporary organisations, working in teams is a very essential. It means being able to work properly with group of people within and outside the organisation.


Critical thinking: To be able to figure out solutions to problems and issues is another skill that employers value in their employees.


Flexibility and adaptability: The dynamic business environment and chaotic times calls for flexibility and adaptability to extra work and new ways of working. An employee who is flexible is seen as an asset to the company.


Negotiation skills: These skills are not only useful during salary negotiations but employers value it as a reflection of the student’s ability to negotiate with prospective buyers and businesses the company works with, as an employee.


Presentation skills: The tech-savvy organisations also look for good presentation skills wherein one is able to confidently and diligently make presentations in a manner that influences the audience.


Motivation and initiative: It includes looking at the bigger picture and take up new tasks and responsibilities. Employees that are motivated and take initiative not only for their work but also to improve workplace process are sought by good organisations.


Creativity: Ability to think innovative solutions to problems and demonstrating one’s ability to think in an interesting way is critical in today competitive business landscape and is something that also attracts employers.


Computer Skills: Good computer skills are also necessary and will get one noticed even if they don’t directly relate to the assigned job as almost all work in contemporary organisations is done on computers. As such, what companies look for in their ideal job candidate is more than the basic requirements and standard knowledge of their respective fields. Organisations are willing to compromise on technical skills but highly regard the soft skills as a base to ideal employee who can not only be successful himself but also pave way for organization’s success.

Want to be a successful entrepreneur, 10 Skills you should know

Want to be a successful entrepreneur, 10 Skills you should know The term Enterpreneurship is in vogue and there are many youngsters who dream to start their own businesses and make it big. It is requisite for the students to develop certain skills to become a successful entrepreneur which are as followed. From the analysis of the online article published by Sujan Patel as on 9 February 2015; different skills required by an entrepreneur is as follows.  Management of money It is essential for the students to learn the ability to manage the money they have.


It is requisite to make effective decisions related to how much money has to be spent in different activities and how much has to be saved for future activities. Raising of funds The other skill is to obtain funds from different sources by evaluating the advantages and disadvantages and the way through which it can be obtained. Identification of strengths and weaknesses It is also essential to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the oneself which facilitates in making effective business decisions. This skill also helps to identify the productive levels, and routine of high energy level which helps in increasing the productivity of the entrepreneur.


Hiring of people The other skill is to attract skilled candidates towards the organization by communicating in an effective manner related to the organization and the skill to hire skilled people which help in increasing the productivity and brand image among the customers of the company. There is a need to provide a corporate culture in which the employees are ready to work.


Provision of training It is also essential to provide proper induction training to the new employees by providing clear information related to the vision and mission of the company and the expectations from them to reach great heights. Usage of latest technology The student should also develop a skill to use latest technology in order to connect with more people in order to become a successful entrepreneur such as use of social networking sites and SEO to spread awareness about the company to different potential stakeholders of the company. Achieving high level of customer satisfaction It is required to track the changes taking place in the preferences and tastes of the customers and provide them the product that can fulfill their actual needs. This can be done by asking different questions relevant to the products and services offered and needs of the customers. It is essential for the entrepreneur to spot or identify the new trends and develop and offer products with new features that might fulfill the new demands of customers in an effective manner.


Closing of a deal It is also requisite to develop a skill that facilitates in closing the deal with the customers by offering them lucrative offers and understanding their need and convince them that the offered product or service will result in fulfilling their needs. Management of failure It is not necessary that the entrepreneur always succeed in their aims. This requires that the entrepreneur should have the ability to deal with the failure in an effective manner so that they achieve success in future. It is not necessary that all the actions taken by the entrepreneur leads to success.


Therefore, it is necessary for them to deal with failure in an effective manner. Building strong relationships with different people It is also essential for the students to have the ability to make strong relationships with other people by upgrading the communication skills which is essential to become a successful entrepreneur. Establishment of strong relationships with suppliers, customers and employees helps in improving the operational efficiency and productivity of the organization as a whole.

Health insurance plan for international students in Australia

Health insurance plan for international students in Australia

It is beneficial for the international students to opt for health insurance plan while studying in Australia. The appropriate health insurance plan for international students is Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) (The Department of Health, 2017).

This assignment help article emphasizes on providing information related to different aspects of OSHC such as benefits, concept and importance of this health insurance plan. OSHC OSHC is a health insurance plan that facilitates students to meet the cost of health care and medical which is required in Australia.

Along with this, it also helps in paying of limited benefits for ambulance and pharmaceutical services. The international students who are taking formal education and their dependents can undertake OSHC insurance plan. International students who are a holder of student visa and a person who is an applicant for a student visa are eligible to take OSHC insurance plan (The Department of Health, 2017). Along with this, some international students are not required to take OSHC insurance plan such as Belgian, Norwegian and Swedish students.

This is to the reason that there is an establishment of the agreement between the governments of these countries with Australia which does not mandate to acquire OSHC insurance plan by the students. The providers of OSHC include Medibank Private, BUPA Australia, Australian Health Management and Allianz Global Assistance (OSHC Australia, 2015). It is beneficial to purchase OSHC insurance plan by the international students in Australia as it bears costs related to visits to a doctor, ambulance cover, hospital treatment and limited pharmaceutical medicines. This also covers 100% fee for in-patient medical services like surgery, private hospital shared ward accommodation and prosthetic devices. Along with this, it also provides pharmaceutical benefits of up to $ 50 on each pharmaceutical product to a maximum of $ 300 a year for single membership (The University of Western Australia, n.d.). The international students have to bear the cost of pharmaceuticals such as cancer treatment if they have not selected the appropriate coverage. There is a need for the international students to compare different policies offered by different OSHC insurers before making a choice as per the requirements of the students. Students can make the payment for their treatment either by sending the bill directly to the insurer or can made the payment first and then claim it from the insurer on future date.

Along with this, the universities have a tie ups with different providers of the insurance plan which facilitates international students to choose from as they are unaware about the insurance plans available to them (OSHC Australia, 2015). These are known as preferred providers. There are several benefits of the preferred providers such as it results in claiming the expenses incurred on campus, and bulk billing on campus.

It is required by the international students to get OSHC cover because the medical services are very expensive for international students. Besides this, the ‘Medicare’ public health insurance system does not cover international students in Australia (The Department of Health, 2017).

It can be concluded that there is a need for international students to take OSHC insurance plan as medical services are expensive for international students. It is due to the reason that the public health insurance system of Australia does not cover international students. Besides this, it can also be summarized that it is beneficial for the international students to obtain OSHC plan as it covers majority of the medical expenses incurred by the students.

IT courses in Australia for Students

IT courses in Australia for Students


In the recent years, the use of Information technology (IT) has increased at an incredible rate, not only in businesses, but also among students. IT has modernized the ways of collecting, shaping, keeping, and sharing the information. It has made complicated procedures easy and time saving.  It is only due to the use of IT that has given birth to innovations and entrepreneurship all over the world. In Australia, IT profession has become the most demanding profession for students. The Universities of Australia provides a number of IT courses according to the students’ choices and suitability (Passey, and Brian Samways, 2016). As per IT Assignment Help experts below are seven futuristic IT courses available in Australian Universities for students who want to become specialized in IT sector:

  1. Advanced Diploma of Information Technology

In this course, the students are facilitated online study of IT. In this course, knowledge of a high level of information and communication technology is provided (Wu, et al., 2015).Also, it includes learning about entrepreneurship skills, and process improvement in order to enable students to get success in this field.

  1. Diploma of Software Development

This course is also provided online. It imparts skills and expertise in software development and programming. The course creates career opportunitiesfor the graduates to update their practices and improve existing programming languages such as C#, PHP, JAVA, and CSS3 (Wright, & Lee, 2014). Also, the course is engaged in providing technical skills of high level language, and in the development of desktop, web, and cloud applications.

  1. Certificate IV in Web-based technology

This course facilitates the online study of vocational qualifications for the students who see themselves as IT professional workers in the future(Passey, and Brian Samways, 2016). It is best for the students who wish to gain creative as well as technical aspects of web design to excite their careers in the web-based industry.

  1. Diploma of IT Networking

This course facilitates online study of skills and knowledge about the invention of several networks. It teaches the making of internetworking, security, and integration of e-business. This course provides training in the installation and administering Microsoft and Linux. It also enables the students in exploring new technologies associated with the internet of things.

  1. Certificate IV in IT (Specialization in Internet of things)

This qualification facilitates online coaching for students to provide a foundation for understanding programming and electronics. It aims at building a ‘whole of system’ for particular business cases. Moreover, it facilitates the students to explore the business applications of the IoT, by giving an insight into the incorporation of both software as well as hardware for building a database and attain business objectives. This specialization enables to tailor students’ learning in reaching their career goals in the IT sector.

  1. Advanced Diploma of Network Security

This course is for those students who want to become experts in Network Security. It is designed to the international top vendor certifications like Cisco (Gopal, 2016). It enhances the abilities of students to design, plan, and regulate enterprise resource information as an autonomous ICT expert. Successful completion of this qualification provides students with the opportunity to get job at various top positions such as ICT security specialist, e-security specialist, Network Administrator, network security analyst, and Network and Systems Manager.

  1. Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking

It is a one year full-time or equivalent part-time course designed to impart necessary skills and learning for IT students. It teaches the ways in which small scale networks are installed and controlled either as a part of a group or as an autonomous network system (Vichie, 2017).It also provides training in server administration (such as Windows and Linux), security and client support.

Paid Internship by International Students in Australia

Paid Internship by International Students in Australia


Australia is a country where the intern programs are managed by the most of the universities to pay the internship to ensure the least minimum wages to the international students while doing studies or educating at the Australian universities. The five steps that will make the paid internship to the overseas students during their internship programs including Talk to Your University, Deciding on when to go to Australia, Decide on Visa needed for the international students, Figuring-out the field of Interest, and Search and Compare. assignment help Firstly, the international students seeking for different educational programs in Australia should determine that which universities and courses are offering the internship credits to the international students from the global organizations.


The foreign students should prefer the independent internship rather than listed on the transcript. The students should enroll only into the Australian Universities that provide the specific internship scholarship to the students abroad for different courses(, 2017). After knowing about the universities, the international students should determine on the seasonal internship and its length to go to the internship courses. The students may go with the summer internship due to typical length (1 month to 3 month).


The internship as longer the practical experience wider to the international students to know about the sites and field knowledge along with the internship credit. The International students are also needed to determine on valid visa required to work for getting the paid internship, such as work and holiday visa for the American Students (Subclass 462) and Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417) for the British Students. Both types of visa programs will allow the international students to work for up to six months in an Australian Company and stay till 12 months in Australia during internship.


For obtaining visa, the international students are required to pay 365 AUD to acquire the approved visa within 24 to 48 hours through an online process. By applying for the student visa, the international students can acquire the student visa electronically. After acquiring the visa in Australia, the students are needed to show and access their interest, field of study, and potential internship field for getting the paid internship for the specific fields, such as IT, science, engineering, communications, marketing, Human Resource, fashion, tourism, and environmental science (Top Internship Programs, 2017).


The major cities, Melbourne and Sydney are most popular to provide the business internship to the Australian students, such as accounting internship in Sydney city with AIFS and marketing internship in Melbourne city with Alliance Abroad. Like London and New York, Melbourne and Sydney cities are well-known for organizing the host renowned fashion weeks for the paid internship to the international students. The fashion internship provides opportunities to the overseas students in merchandising, research, pricing, production, trend research, PR, and more.

The Queensland state including Brisbane and Cairns cities provide the internship programs in fields, like environmental science, ecological science, conservation and community protection, communication, marine engineering, and Biology, for example, ISA Internship at Cairns Zoo and Internship at Koala Sanctuary or Institute for cultural technology at Great Barrier Reef for Research. The final step is to search and compare all internship programs or opportunities provided by the universities in the Australian country through the networking, online research, and social media search and finally, to determine that which university is the most suitable to provide the paid internship to the students.


There are several universities that provide the paid internship to the international students through the internship organizations that will include the housing, insurance, and other necessities (Adzuna, 2016). For example, AISCE provides internship in marketing, IT, Business, and Engineering, while IAESTE provides internship in science, engineering, and technologies.


Alliance Abroad is strong provider of the paid internship to the overseas students in a range of fields. The feedbacks of top 40 inter programs from 800 undergraduate students in Australia show the paid internship by the companies including GHD, AECOM, ShineWing, Telstra, Shell, Accenture Australia, BP Australia, Aurizon, Suncorp, Sydney Water, KordaMentha, Gallagher Bassett Services, KPMG, Dixon Advisory, Newcrest Mining, Hatch, Ergon Energy, Arup, CIMIC, ANZ Banking Group, and other paid internship providing Australian organizations.


Along with this, there are several paid internship jobs that provide the internship part-time jobs for the international students, for example, Blacktown (New South Wales) provides paid internship in accounting, GoCatch provides paid internship and valuable experiences to support the professional careers of the international students.


Metier provides 25AUD/hour as paid internship to the international students. BGA Support Internship through Gradaustralia for 12 months paid internship(Top Internship Programs, 2017).So, by following all these five steps and overlooking different internship jobs, the international students can take decisions about the paid internship programfrom the Australian University and time periods of working for the internship from the affiliated organizations of the universities.